Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Every morning I some how manage to be half awake ten minutes before my alarm goes off. I don't really know how, I wake up at different times during the week to go to school so I don't really know how my brain just does that. (You could say it subconsciously does that while I'm unconscious-Rachel, Sarah and Andrew) Though some days I have to wake up early for Spanish, my routine stays the same. I start out warm and cozy in my bed trying to go to sleep for ten more minutes, but then eventually I hear Don't Stop Believin' blasting from my phone as the alarm I set. After about twenty seconds I finally talk myself into dragging myself out of bed, normally with the argument "hey at least you get waffles" and that does the trick.

After eating breakfast alone at the huge dining room table (my family wakes up later than me so we eat at different times) I grab the tiny evil tube of toothpaste and put some on my toothbrush while slightly irritated. I am fine with any other type of of toothpaste; Colgate, Aim, anything but SparkleFresh. I squirt a small green blob of it and shove the brush in my mouth and just get it over with. It tastes worse than mint, it has the sort of chemical-ish bite to it. The kind that is ok when you are actually brushing your teeth but when you spit it out, the true flavor comes out and lingers for the next hour. Your breath smells fine, but you have that awful taste...

Anyway, next I grab my laptop and try to carefully shove it into my bag. The words "carefully" and "shove" obviously don't go together, so I end up dumping the contents and re-packing my whole bag. Yes, every morning. Yet again I have over estimated the time it takes to get ready, so I sit on the couch reading for another half of an hour until the rest of my family is finally ready and were off to start the day, and then come home and do it all again tomorrow.

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