Tuesday, January 20, 2015


There were ups and downs on this trip, literally. Once my "tennis rackets" were strapped to my boots, I started to hike up the trail. The path curved this way and that, and went up down and around too. Some parts of the trail we pretty flat, which made it much more peaceful, while other parts were steeper. Steeper slopes required more concentration on not falling, rather  than looking around at the trees and the pretty views. When we finally arrived at a flat field, most of the class found a nice spot in the fresh snow to collapse before we split into groups to dig snow pits. As we were digging, you could really see the different layers of snow piled up onto each other over time, and my mind was instantly thrown back to our snowshoeing trip last year. We went some time in February, so there was much more snow. Our goal was to dig until we got to the ground, and after much digging we discovered the rocks and twigs that were laying on top of the earth. This was of course after we dug a hole about two feet by two feet wide, and about five feet deep. To look at the small snow crystal formations with a magnifying glass, we were lowered down face first while someone held our feet at the top so we couldn't fall in.
Back to this year, we ate lunch and of course got to play in the snow! Most people went over to an open are and tackled each other. I mostly got tackled, but I did push Abby and Sarah in a couple times. Sometime later I had a brilliant idea, why don't I write a math pun in the slope of the hill? So I walk up the hill and right the math formula for slope intercept in the snow and take a picture. (Y=mx+b) As I walk down the hill I'm smiling like an idiot, and I go up to some of my friends and show them my accomplishment. One of them chuckles, but most of them give me the look of "wow....." and the high five to the face. I didn't mind, I thought it was hilarious. The hike down was a lot easier and shorter than the way up, and I think all of us were excited and anticipating listening to music in the warm bus.


  1. I like how detailed this slice of life is. I still think that it's funny that you wrote the formula for slope in the snow.

  2. I FOUND A TYPO! Next to the pic. is we pretty flat, which is supposed to be were pretty flat, close enough, any way. I remember you drawing that, and then I sort of taunted you by saying that this could be one of your last field trips, but I hope you would "smile like an idiot" at this comment. :)
