Saturday, January 18, 2014

Treasure Island

This "classic" is by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was a fairly quick read for me at 258 pages, even though it looks like it is around 320. The main character and narrator Jim Hawkins, is around 13 years old, and finds an old map left behind by a deceased pirate. He brings the local doctor a squire along to look for the treasure on the ship called the Hispaniola. The three adventurers aren't the only ones after the treasure, an old quartermaster has been looking for it for decades. This was a pretty good book, but I wouldn't call it a classic. It is really well written, but it was really slow and confusing to me. Some parts were thrilling and left me with me heart beating, while other times I was left wondering what actually happened. I would recommend this book to anyone in AS, and anyone who enjoys adventure books.


  1. I have read it but have not enjoyed it either

  2. Really? I love this book. I also kind of agree that it shouldn't be a classic though, it's not like life-changing, or whatever, if you get what I mean.

  3. It sounds like a pretty okay book, maybe I'll check it out sometime.
