Part one:
At 11:32 in the morning, two people were found dead across the state of Colorado. Sarah Washorkavitz was on a school trip to a Nuclear Power Research Center. Coincidentally, Sarah Washorkavitz is a State Champion swimmer, which helped to influence her tragic mistake. Because Nuclear Reactors are filled with water, Sarah was too tempted to resist. She dove into the crystal clear water, desperately trying wave her fingers through the light blue glow. Sadly, the heat was over powering and Sarah melted into the Thermal Neutrons. Scientists didn't want to let this mishap go to waste, so they ran some tests and discovered a new material called Saranium. Saranium is composed of 42% Sarah, and 58% Uranium, and it has a half life of 4.3 minutes. The funeral will be held at Fairmont Cemetery at 4:30 in her memory, though she will never truly be dead.
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