Wednesday, March 11, 2015

SOL 11

Left turn, right turn, I don't really know where I'm going. Eventually I end up in a huge room filled with familiar faces, and immediately my eyes land on the stacks of pizza boxes. Food sounds good, and I didn't have lunch. Well my own lunch. I grab a compostable plate and throw a piece on, and pause. No, I'll take two. Maybe a sugar cookie while I'm at it. I sit down at the round table with my friends and ignore everything they are saying as I eat each slice with contempt. Laughter erupts all around me so I finish chewing and look up, only to get two words in reply. Obama and pineapple. I flash a confused smile and return happily to my pizza. Hmm, three slices should do it. I grab another slice and a glass of lemonade as well. Why is this all so strange? It is completely normal, eating food at dinner time. But something was definitely off. I guess I'm just not used to it. We laughed and giggled about dishwashers and Ireland until it was time to go. As I leave I see one last thing in the next room, a table full of cookies and then everyone dashes for the tray.


  1. When was this? This slice really shows how happy and content you were with that pizza! I ❤️ Pizza too!

  2. Where was this? I love this slice. :) ;)
