Today is the last day of the March SOL challenge. There is a lot I could write, but this is my last one for March 2014. Over the past thirty one days, I have challenged my self in time management, and of course different ways of writing.
Memoirs, reading blogs, and SOL entries alike were written everyday for all of March. My inspiration was my vast catalog of pictures on my computer and some from close friends. Most of the time I talked about vacation experiences, but as I got later into the slices I chose to put variation in my blog by just free writing about small things.
Also I would choose some things from past experiences but later I posted from that day and found the little things that I could slice about. Some days it was a nuisance that I had to blog and comment, and other times it was a way of escaping the things around me. It was a stress reliever. If something was bothering me I would sit down and let it out onto the page. Most of the time I deleted it when I was done, but it was a good way to calm down and let my emotions out. SOL's were really neat because you would take time out of your day and just write. I could be about anything, and my different posts were interesting to compare.
Some of my friends might think I am crazy about loving this assignment, but it was really fun in actuality. There is so much I could write for this last post, but nothing spectacular stood out. My fingers hit the keys as I say goodbye to the SOL. It isn't the end for them, just for the challenge and the ones in March.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
SOL 30
I grab the small red tube and get in line for the tubing hill on the magic carpet. I wait my turn patiently to step on at the right time, and the next family waits until I am twenty feet ahead to step on. I ignore it and look at the scenery around me. I turn around to see how far away I am from the bottom, but I see one of the four year olds from that family standing six inches behind my tube. She stands there staring at me, so I smile awkwardly and turn back around. Just ignore it, I'll be up at the top in a few minutes. I turn back around and I see the same four year old along with her sister, both of them staring at me. Now it is getting creepy, so again I try to smile as hurry off the carpet to meet my family on the third run.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
SOL 29
First day of three days in Copper. It has been over two years since I slid on my white snowboard boots, and clipped into the pink bindings. The white mountain is covered in a mixture of powder, slush, and ice. I guess there is a one out of three chance that I will get good conditions to board in, and that is what I got. Most of the day I have to concentrate on not tripping on the loose pieces of ice, and avoid the dirt patches. My dad, sister and I make it about half way down the mountain before my dad starts to critique my sister's technique of skiing. "No, try skiing with your feet parallel to each other rather than going down the slope in pizza shape." For the last half of an hour we help her go down the turns as french fries instead of pizza.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
SOL 28
Labor day, 2012. It started out as a Bar and Bat Mitzvah, but sometime after (maybe the next day) we went out to Dairy Queen to relax and eat ice cream. While we were walking there, a woman and and old man were walking into a restaurant next to DQ. I leaned over to ask "Hey Mikayla, how old do you think that woman is?" she couldn't tell, so she asked her brother. He also couldn't figure it out, so we all just stood there and creepily watched the "immortal" woman. "Wait, I have an idea" I pulled out my phone and explained that we could all pose in a picture and act like we were taking the picture of us but actually take the picture of the woman. Of course they though it was genius, so we all gathered together and smiled. "3, 2,1..." Mikayla whispers, and I take the photo. Have you ever had that moment when you have a good idea and then it turns out to be really embarrassing? This was my moment. As soon as I took the picture, I realized that the flash was on my phone, but it was too late. I took a very bright picture of an eighteen year old who looked very old, or an eighty year old that had a lot of plastic surgery. Both the man and the woman turned around in bewilderment, but all three of us were leaping through the front door of Dairy Queen by then.
Friday, March 27, 2015
SOL 27
The yellow house directly behind Danielle Tamkin's home, was the first of many I lived in. I have so many memories there; when I first learned how to use roller-blades, the time I made hand molds with my mom in 2006, and even coloring on the walls. I used to climb to the highest point of the play structure in the backyard, and wave to Danielle who was on the other side of the fence to see if she wanted to come over. We dressed up as princesses and paraded around the house in our fancy costumes. We ate spaghetti in those costumes and got them covered in slimy sauce, and then played some more in those costumes. Once she left it was normally time to go to bed. So it was most likely around 7:30. I would grab every stuffed animal I could find, and pile them onto my bed. There was a Clifford the Big Red Dog, a big Spongebob stuffy, and a huge Strawberry Shortcake doll along with countless others. I remember that they had to be in a specific order, and the Strawberry Shortcake one was always directly to my right. Only then could I fall asleep. While we lived there, the house was not yellow. I think it was a pretty creme color, but I cant recall. I miss this house the most, but I have made other great memories in the other houses too I guess. Though I love my house now, I had my best memories in the one across from my best friend.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
SOL 26
Almost done with the SOL challenge for March, and this is the first day I have run out of ideas on what to write. I have written about colors and short things that happened during the day, but nothing comes to mind now. I even looked at the SOL website for ideas, and looked through the prompts we were given. I find it interesting that last year I started to run out of ideas on the fourth or fifth day of the challenge, and here I am today out of ideas at the twenty-sixth day. What has changed in a year? Some could say that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Five days in, verses five days from the finish. I have grown as a writer throughout the past year; I guess you could way it was vocabulary and structure. But it is more than that. I cant really explain it, but I am different. Though, I can't change completely. There are still parts of me that write and talk and act the same as I did last year. That brings me back to the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
SOL 25
My head is pounding as I try to get through my work load for tonight. My headaches fluctuate during the day, but they typically range from barely noticeable to clutching my head hoping it will stop. Of course this doesn't help while I am trying to do math, so I spend more than the expected time working on the problems. For a while I stare at the problem gritting my teeth telling myself to think things through one step at a time. With double the math homework then I normally have, it takes forever but I manage to push through. Some people read to take a break from homework, while some watch TV. I take naps. I slip away just below consciousness, and it is enough to stop the headaches for a little while. The fifteen minutes goes by in the blink of an eye, and I am presented with more work. Conjugations, conjugations, and more conjugations.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
SOL 24 Bridge to Terabithia
This book was my children's classic book by Katherine Paterson and was really well written. It was a sweet story of a friendship and a magical land called Terabithia they made up together. This book makes you see what is really important in life with the saying be careful what you wish for. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone who doesn't like sad books, but I loved it. Jess Aarons is in fifth grade and is trying to become the fastest runner in fourth and fifth grade. Leslie Burke, the new girl who moved from the city is trying to fit in but together they make a great team. Together they make up a magical land called Terabithia that they rule and have adventures in, but that is the only place where they have adventures. School isn't an awful place, but there they are each others only friends. This book was a really quick read a 128 pages, and I would recommend this book to anyone in AS who likes reading about small adventures and friendship. This book was told really well and had a plot twist at the end that made the book a little sweeter.
Monday, March 23, 2015
SOL 23
I know I mentioned I liked the basement bedroom before, but now it is just creepy. One tiny lamp sits in the corner of the dark room, producing barely enough light to work at. I have to rely mostly on the dim glow that comes from my computer to do my work. The sponge-textured creme ceiling is decorated with bare pipes painted creme color as well, as an attempt to camouflage them. It almost seems like some area typically used to store unwanted boxes, especially with the low ceilings. Most nights it takes about an hour and a half to fall asleep, so I stare at the bare ceiling of my room thinking about the weirdest things. Here in the basement, my mind wanders even more. If you jump off a bridge into water, the impact is like hitting concrete. What if I threw a water balloon off a skyscraper onto a person, would it feel like a rock? Stranger things have crossed my mind, but I am drawing a blank. Up in my room the night drags on and I sleep restlessly. Though it might take longer too fall asleep in the basement, I dream. In my room on the main floor I haven't had a dream I remember in about a month. I try looking around seeing if little things will trigger my memory, but the stories vanish each time. Now, I can piece together my parts of my dreams, which is more than I have had in a while. What is so special about a bleak confining basement bedroom? It is just a bedroom, right?
Sunday, March 22, 2015
SOL 22
"Ok we'll be back in a few hours, and please do stuff with her instead of watching the tv." My parents give me a yes-we-know-you-were-going-to-do-that look before they head out the backdoor. Babysitting my sister again, and I'm running out of ideas of what to do. Like I mentioned before, little things can trigger lost memories. Out of ideas- I am sitting at the table of my aunt and uncle's open kitchen, and I am bored. What is a ten year-old supposed to do for a whole week? I'm out of ideas of what to do. I pick up the 90's rubics cube with the peeling stickers, and fiddle with it a while. My patience is short, and I cant even solve one side. I set it down even more frustrated now then I was before. Suddenly my aunt comes in muttering something about making puppy chow, and this quickly caught my attention. Puppy chow? "Hey can I help?" I ask silently praying she says yes. I'm really bored. Of course she lets me help, so I wash my hands and eagerly join her by her side.
"BRIAHN!" My sister's voice snaps me back to reality. "I am bored, lets bake something." Last week we made brownies, and now all we have left are the gluten-free boxes. No thank you. A slow grin speeds across my face and I suggest we make puppy chow. We don't have chex cereal, so plain cherrios will have to do. We grab the ingredients and start to work. Once we have the chocolate and peanut butter blended together, we spoon them carefully into plastic bags with cherrios. Hannah didn't want to get her fingers sticky, so we set the bags in a cup before pouring. Now comes the best part, shake! After they are coated in the peanut butter chocolate mixture, we pour in the powdered sugar and shake some more. Hannah is shaking her bag of deliciousness a bit too violently, and the inevitable strikes. The bag slips out of her grip and crashes to the ground, sending puppy chow everywhere. Of course I tell Hannah to pick it up, but then I tell her to eat it. And of course she does.
"BRIAHN!" My sister's voice snaps me back to reality. "I am bored, lets bake something." Last week we made brownies, and now all we have left are the gluten-free boxes. No thank you. A slow grin speeds across my face and I suggest we make puppy chow. We don't have chex cereal, so plain cherrios will have to do. We grab the ingredients and start to work. Once we have the chocolate and peanut butter blended together, we spoon them carefully into plastic bags with cherrios. Hannah didn't want to get her fingers sticky, so we set the bags in a cup before pouring. Now comes the best part, shake! After they are coated in the peanut butter chocolate mixture, we pour in the powdered sugar and shake some more. Hannah is shaking her bag of deliciousness a bit too violently, and the inevitable strikes. The bag slips out of her grip and crashes to the ground, sending puppy chow everywhere. Of course I tell Hannah to pick it up, but then I tell her to eat it. And of course she does.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
SOL 21
Eleven thirty. I pull up the covers and start to drift off. I think about what it would be like to live in a book, even think about my banner design. I try to relax and fall asleep, but something won't let me. I lay here staring up at the creme ceiling wondering what I could have forgotten. Math? No, it's done. Latin? That was it, I haven't done my Latin homework yet. I try again to let the traffic of Colorado Boulevard lull me to sleep, but something won't let me. Suddenly my eyes flew open; I haven't blogged yet! I grab my laptop from beside the bed and frantically try to turn it on. Panic starts to set in as I see that my computer is frozen on a black screen with the mouse in the corner. I turn it on and off, and on and off again, nothing. I knew my phone was my last chance. But I have tons of typos when I'm texting, what do I do for my blog? My only choice is to do this carefully and hope for the best. A slight bit of panic once a day should spice up my life, but this should count for a while considering I haven't felt panicked in a while.
Friday, March 20, 2015
SOL 20
During this oddly warm spring in Colorado, it is just our luck that the fan breaks. The fan that cools pretty much the whole house down. Little things toss my mind into the past, and this is one of them.
I woke this morning over heating. It is normal for Florida, but I have to adjust to the heat. It is late morning already, but my eyes are still heavy so I have to practically drag myself out of bed. The humidity is over whelming and soaks down to the bone. I grab a quick breakfast, and hop in my aunt's car to go to a local park in Miami. My family and I have always gone to Florida for at least one break and we always have fun. Ever since I was little, I loved climbing Banyon trees with my family. The branches and trunks are intertwined, which is a natural playground for small kids.
Later we headed out to Tampa. On the way we had to stop to buy Pastalitos, which are the most amazing cuban pastry. They are a flaky danish about eight inches long, that is covered in a thin layer of sugar. The inside can be filled with a variety of things such as guava and cheese, but my favorite is just cheese. The car pulls up to La Palma and as we walk up, we both agree that I have to order in spanish. "Cuatro pastalitos con queso por favor." She just nods and pulls the out with tongs and places them in a paper bag. "Llevar?" she asks have smiling. Mom asks if she speaks english but she just shakes her head and says no. I don't know if I completely believed her because as we left she said "goodbye."I laughed a little and pulled out the first pastalito and hopped in the car. My first bite isn't filled with thick cheese, but it was sweet and flaky which was still delicious.
I woke this morning over heating. It is normal for Florida, but I have to adjust to the heat. It is late morning already, but my eyes are still heavy so I have to practically drag myself out of bed. The humidity is over whelming and soaks down to the bone. I grab a quick breakfast, and hop in my aunt's car to go to a local park in Miami. My family and I have always gone to Florida for at least one break and we always have fun. Ever since I was little, I loved climbing Banyon trees with my family. The branches and trunks are intertwined, which is a natural playground for small kids.
Later we headed out to Tampa. On the way we had to stop to buy Pastalitos, which are the most amazing cuban pastry. They are a flaky danish about eight inches long, that is covered in a thin layer of sugar. The inside can be filled with a variety of things such as guava and cheese, but my favorite is just cheese. The car pulls up to La Palma and as we walk up, we both agree that I have to order in spanish. "Cuatro pastalitos con queso por favor." She just nods and pulls the out with tongs and places them in a paper bag. "Llevar?" she asks have smiling. Mom asks if she speaks english but she just shakes her head and says no. I don't know if I completely believed her because as we left she said "goodbye."I laughed a little and pulled out the first pastalito and hopped in the car. My first bite isn't filled with thick cheese, but it was sweet and flaky which was still delicious.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
SOL 19
The smell of rain still lingers in the air, and the clouds still lurk above. I grab my headphones so hopefully I will be able to quietly listen to music the whole time, but I know that isn't possible. Conferences; the day I spend in Extended Care, then talk about my feelings towards my work. I trudge through the damp grass with my now wet shoes towards the EC building, only to find that everyone was eating lunch in the cafeteria. My luck, I'm the only AS student there, so I sit with Sadie Bean who is in primary. Last time I hung out with her, she somehow managed to break my headphones so they electrocuted me, so I cant be blamed for being slightly nervous this time. She is really adorable and fun, but not very good with headphones. I was hoping to sit there and listen to 80's music the whole time, but she wanted to run around and play hide and go seek instead. In the end we met with a compromise. "Ok, how about we play hide the shoe!" It isn't as extravagant as hide and go seek nor how low key as I wanted it to be, but it will do. After the first round I quickly discovered I needed to clearly explain that she must cover her eyes and ears so not to cheat, and count to thirty with mississippis. I lost count of how many rounds we played and how many new rules we added, but I had fun. Her tiny blue and white shoe was hidden everywhere imaginable in the back area; behind the TV, around the book case, under the bean bags, in the couch, under the couch, behind the bins, even on her own foot as she hid with it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
SOL 18
Sleeping in the basement because I saw a spider in my room. It wasn't exactly a small spider, or large actually. Just a spider. Every now and then I flinch when I feel something brush my leg, but then I have to calm myself down because it was just the blanket settling. On the wall opposite the bed is three foot by three foot picture with a black background, so it sort of works as a mirror. My eyes are drawn to it for some reason, and I cant explain why. There sixteen individual pictures inside of it, all versions of tree branches but they use different shades of orange and red. The whole picture itself reflects back to me, and I can see the window above my bed.
During the day the light shines through the blinds and casts thin rays of gold into the dark room, and every once in a while something moves in front of window, blocking the light for an instance. Someone keeps walking by, and I have seen their silhouette four times now. Honestly I don't know what I find creepier; the spider upstairs or the mysterious lurker outside. The mysterious lurker would definitely make a better story, but I don't really want to see where that story leads.
During the day the light shines through the blinds and casts thin rays of gold into the dark room, and every once in a while something moves in front of window, blocking the light for an instance. Someone keeps walking by, and I have seen their silhouette four times now. Honestly I don't know what I find creepier; the spider upstairs or the mysterious lurker outside. The mysterious lurker would definitely make a better story, but I don't really want to see where that story leads.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
SOL 17 Secret Life of Bees
This book was by Sue Monk Kidd, and I enjoyed it. The main character is Lily Melissa Owens, who is 14 years old and lives with her abusive father in the 1960's. Lily's mind is clouded with thoughts from the past about her mother's death, and she wonders if it is her fault. A little later she runs away with their African American housekeeper/nanny Rosaleen, who became almost like a mother to Lily. In her new home she learns about bee keeping, and different views of racism. She is a young white girl living in a black home, so she grows up pretty quickly in my opinion. I tried not to spoil to much, but those were the main introductory points of the book. I really liked this book, and I got attached to the characters. I wouldn't say I had a favorite, but I did like May. She just seemed more distinguished and different from the rest. This book is at the reading level where anyone could read it, and I think everyone in our class should read it.
Blue Lily, Lily Blue
The Raven King
We were liars
Monday, March 16, 2015
SOL 16
I walk into the classroom with my backpack and black binder, feeling like the new kid. I guess I am the new kid in this class, I'm normally in Max's class. I see familiar faces, but I still feel like the new kid, and then, I see Selah. I am saved! I immediately set my bag down at the empty desk next to Selah and pull out my laptop. The morning went by slowly, particularly because I was working the whole time. Finally it was time to take a break, so I pull out a jolly rancher from my backpack and unwrap it. As soon as it escapes the clutches of the plastic, it jumped out of my hand and onto the floor. Well actually it slipped and fell on the floor, and then shattered into pieces. That piece of candy was my happiness, and there it lay on the cool tile, broken. Nevermind... I pick it up and go back to work.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
SOL 15
I never liked orange anyway. The color or the fruit. Something was just, unsettling about both. In my little collection of nail polish, sits one vial of orange polish. It was one of six colors that came as a birthday gift from years back, but this is the only one left. Probably because it is the most hideous of all colors. (No offense if anyone likes this color) Now the cap is glued on with nail polish, and it is pretty much useless now that I can't even open it. The bottom quarter of nail polish has crusted over from lack of use, and of course Father Time himself. If I were to leave it as is, eventually nothing useful will be left. Just orange flakes of chemicals. Currently it has separated into oil and polish, looking repulsive. The cool little jar rests in my palm innocently begging me not to toss it in the trash. I should, shouldn't I; toss it in the trash. Yet it is still in my hand, something wont let me throw it away. I study it up and down as my fingers trace the curves of the glass, but I cant make a decision. Throw it away? Or save it? Suddenly my grandfather's voice pops into my mind. "Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it" he would always stay. Thats the argument I give myself whenever I come across a piece of junk in my room. I guess nothing has changed, so I toss the ghastly vial back into the bin.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
SOL 14
Part two:
Fyoder D'shindinberg was found lifeless at the base of the Wetzel's Pretzels shop at the Cherry Creek Mall. Coroners have determined the cause of death- too much shopping. At the mere age of eight and a half years old, young Fyo had "shopped 'till he dropped" and the pretzel is currently being tested for poison. With a lack of water fountains, Fyo had become dehydrated, also while carrying nine of his mother's shopping bags. The nine shopping bags all together weighed 2.3 pounds more than poor innocent Fyo, causing him to become physically exhausted. Officially, he died from the exhaustion, dehydration, and a bit of salmonella from the pretzel. The funeral will also be held at Fairmont Cemetery, at 3:30.
*Both Sarah and Fyo have allowed me to write about them
Friday, March 13, 2015
SOL 13
Part one:
At 11:32 in the morning, two people were found dead across the state of Colorado. Sarah Washorkavitz was on a school trip to a Nuclear Power Research Center. Coincidentally, Sarah Washorkavitz is a State Champion swimmer, which helped to influence her tragic mistake. Because Nuclear Reactors are filled with water, Sarah was too tempted to resist. She dove into the crystal clear water, desperately trying wave her fingers through the light blue glow. Sadly, the heat was over powering and Sarah melted into the Thermal Neutrons. Scientists didn't want to let this mishap go to waste, so they ran some tests and discovered a new material called Saranium. Saranium is composed of 42% Sarah, and 58% Uranium, and it has a half life of 4.3 minutes. The funeral will be held at Fairmont Cemetery at 4:30 in her memory, though she will never truly be dead.
At 11:32 in the morning, two people were found dead across the state of Colorado. Sarah Washorkavitz was on a school trip to a Nuclear Power Research Center. Coincidentally, Sarah Washorkavitz is a State Champion swimmer, which helped to influence her tragic mistake. Because Nuclear Reactors are filled with water, Sarah was too tempted to resist. She dove into the crystal clear water, desperately trying wave her fingers through the light blue glow. Sadly, the heat was over powering and Sarah melted into the Thermal Neutrons. Scientists didn't want to let this mishap go to waste, so they ran some tests and discovered a new material called Saranium. Saranium is composed of 42% Sarah, and 58% Uranium, and it has a half life of 4.3 minutes. The funeral will be held at Fairmont Cemetery at 4:30 in her memory, though she will never truly be dead.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
SOL 12
Today I'm in eighth grade, soon I'll be in ninth. Today I'm in eighth grade, so why not act like I'm in fourth? I grab Selah and head over to the playground. "Come on, lets play hand games!" Selah just gives me a slightly confused glance as we dash under the stairs and under the climbing wall. We talk and giggle and pretend that none of today is actually happening. I'm not continuing this year, I'm not celebrating my last Pi Day at Logan today, but we're little girls laughing without a care in the world. I scoot my foot the left, and as it does it uncovers a fresh layer of dirt. I shouldn't have paid much attention to it, but the dirt was moving. I stop and stare and realize, it is a worm. Its just a worm, its ok. But its not ok! My eyes widen in anxiety, and I get up while yelling about how there is a worm. Selah just sits there smiling at my ridiculousness and decides to do something about it. She picks up the squirming worm and places it in her right palm and chases after me. My eyes widen even more if it is possible, and I tear across the playground screaming, trying to escape Selah and her worm. The whole time Selah is laughing hysterically about my screaming hysterically, and she ends up grabbing my arm with her right palm. Stop overreacting, ITS A WORM! But I can't. As her hand grips around my sweatshirt sleeve, the color drains from my face and I am presented with a terrible horror. She has TOUCHED ME with her WORM HAND!!!!! Turns out she let the worm go a while ago, but she kept up the act to mess with me. We sit down on the concrete and continue talking, except it is different this time. We aren't in the year 2011 anymore, its 2015. Our conversations have shifted, our presence has shifted. Soon its time to go inside to finish March 12th, 2015.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
SOL 11
Left turn, right turn, I don't really know where I'm going. Eventually I end up in a huge room filled with familiar faces, and immediately my eyes land on the stacks of pizza boxes. Food sounds good, and I didn't have lunch. Well my own lunch. I grab a compostable plate and throw a piece on, and pause. No, I'll take two. Maybe a sugar cookie while I'm at it. I sit down at the round table with my friends and ignore everything they are saying as I eat each slice with contempt. Laughter erupts all around me so I finish chewing and look up, only to get two words in reply. Obama and pineapple. I flash a confused smile and return happily to my pizza. Hmm, three slices should do it. I grab another slice and a glass of lemonade as well. Why is this all so strange? It is completely normal, eating food at dinner time. But something was definitely off. I guess I'm just not used to it. We laughed and giggled about dishwashers and Ireland until it was time to go. As I leave I see one last thing in the next room, a table full of cookies and then everyone dashes for the tray.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
SOL 10 Dream Thieves
This is the sequel book to The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, and I loved it! It is a two week book, so I just finished it this week. Basically they are still on the hunt to find Glendower, but new secrets are reveled and old ones are hidden. A new competition has stepped up, and his name is Mr. Gray. He is definitely not afraid to stop anyone in his way, and first it was Declan and now its Noah, Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Blue. I am sorry if this is a bit vague, but I really cant give too much away! My favorite character is Gansey because he is super sarcastic and has a cool car. Every book could use some sarcasm. I think the author is still writing this series, so I do not know how many books there are in this series. I highly recommend this book and the previous one to everyone, because they rock.
Next in the series
Secret Life of Bees
I am Number Four
Next in the series
Secret Life of Bees
I am Number Four
Monday, March 9, 2015
I woke up feeling like someone was trying to pry open my skull from the inside, and my throat felt like I had swallowed seven or eight cotton balls. Sundays are great aren't they? The day everyone's fantasy of the weekend comes to an end, the day everyone realizes they have to go to school the next day so they better start doing their homework. Here I am missing the last day of JYG sitting on the couch watching Harry Potter. Then more Harry Potter, and of course more Harry Potter. Why cant I be a wizard? Maybe I love the movies so much because I was a wizard in a past life. Or-or a future life... Minus the whole psycho dark wizard He Who Shall Not Be Named thing, I wish I could be a wizard. Who wouldn't want to be a wizard? A world full of wonder and magic. Some say our world is full of wonder and magic, all you have to do is look for it. Nice metaphor guys, but I want to fly on a broom stick thank you very much. But what if the magic is there and hidden in plain sight? Like the Sri Yantra appearance and other unexplainable mysteries. Swamp gas cant be an excuse for everything. Like Nate's multiverse theory; what if sometimes our world overlapped with another that had magic? The stories of Harry Potter are true! None of us can remember except for J.K. Rowling who remembers some bits and pieces. The government has tried to hide the truth, but a group of people called the illuminati are trying to reveal the real story. J.K. Rowling is a part of the illuminati, and that is why she incorporated the symbol into the Deathly Hallows.
And then I woke up just as the credits started to roll.
And then I woke up just as the credits started to roll.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
"Today we will be docking in Petropavlosk, Russia. Please get in line for customs." said the woman at the front desk. I wondered what we would be doing there, maybe staying at the beach? On a driving tour? No, visiting a replica of a traditional village from a different time period. Trudging through the thick layers of grass, I felt cold. Not like sitting outside on the patio for lunch, but truly cold. There were these shack structures that sat at about twelve feet in the air, and had a carved log for a ladder. Yes this was all wonderful and nice, but when do we eat? Our group finally made our way into a teepee, which was warm from the fire burning in the center. The woman kneeling at the fire was cooking something similar to bread, and it was warm! Food and warmth, very good. I sat on the log stump eating the bread, just enjoying it. At some point someone tried to talk to me but I was too focused on the food and warmth to pay attention. A little while later we walked into another building that had three tables set with plates and silver wear. I couldn't believe it, more food?! Today was a very, very good day. I sat down as someone brought over a bowl of soup. She said it was something that the people here would have eaten at that time, but food was food. As the bowl was lowered, I saw two potatoes and a chunk of salmon. Not a strip, but a whole chunk of the body was sliced and put in a bowl of water. For the first time that day, I was not hungry.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
How do I always manage to do this? Second day into JYG (Junior Youth Group) and I have ruined the friendship with the first people I met. Today we were sitting together at lunch and I got separated from my friends by a few people, which wasn't that far but far enough so I wasn't in the conversation anymore. Most of the time I sat there in the little metal fold out chair and challenged myself to see how much spicy mustard I could put on my sandwich with out wimping out as I ate it. I did pretty well, some of the people next to me thought I crazy with all of the mustard, but I ignored them and enjoyed my lunch. I honestly thought I put just enough mustard. The blend of flavor with the turkey and the mustard with some tomato...mmm. Anyway, one of my friends got up and I decided to mess with them so I stole her spot and joined in the conversation. Finally in the conversation. She came back, but she stopped. I don't think she actually knew what to think, so she gave me a nasty look. My stomach turned so I got up to give her her spot back and moved my lunch back to the corner of the table. Something changed inside her, I didn't know what but I knew I should move. She managed to give me a quick "whatever" with a huge glob of bitter and sass on top as she moved my lunch back to where she originally sat. The guilt started to build up inside me like bricks piling up. Every time she looked my way, another brick was thrown on top. How did this even happen? It was just a chair!
Later at the basketball game we had I tried avoiding them to have a better time at JYG. Turns out that one of my best friends from camp was there, so I hung out with him. The minutes flew by and soon it was his turn to play in the game so he gave me his hat before he ran in to the court. I sat there bored with the hat on for a few minutes, and then got up to help put away the extra basketballs lying around. I struggled to cary five, but managed enough to bring them over to the basket. My eyes floated over to my other friend as she turned around with a face I couldn't really name. Fear? Anger? Confusion? ALL OF THE ABOVE??? It took a second to make the connection and then the guilt bricks started to pile up to my neck. The hat belongs to her ex-boyfriend... More bricks. I tried to flash a quick smile and then I walked hastily back to my friends. You can have multiple friends.. right? I cast a quick glance at my other "friends" and saw the surprise on the their faces as their stare back. Ok, theres that answer. Why do I feel so guilty? Im just wearing a hat. Why is this such a big deal, a chair and a hat? I sat there pondering this until the half time bell goes off and I joined my new friends.
Later at the basketball game we had I tried avoiding them to have a better time at JYG. Turns out that one of my best friends from camp was there, so I hung out with him. The minutes flew by and soon it was his turn to play in the game so he gave me his hat before he ran in to the court. I sat there bored with the hat on for a few minutes, and then got up to help put away the extra basketballs lying around. I struggled to cary five, but managed enough to bring them over to the basket. My eyes floated over to my other friend as she turned around with a face I couldn't really name. Fear? Anger? Confusion? ALL OF THE ABOVE??? It took a second to make the connection and then the guilt bricks started to pile up to my neck. The hat belongs to her ex-boyfriend... More bricks. I tried to flash a quick smile and then I walked hastily back to my friends. You can have multiple friends.. right? I cast a quick glance at my other "friends" and saw the surprise on the their faces as their stare back. Ok, theres that answer. Why do I feel so guilty? Im just wearing a hat. Why is this such a big deal, a chair and a hat? I sat there pondering this until the half time bell goes off and I joined my new friends.
Friday, March 6, 2015
I have finally counted. There are eighteen pockets in my backpack, each probably filled with junk I don't need. I really only use four of the eighteen pockets, but I occasionally use the others too. The small pocket on the top contains fragments of pencils and pens, with a dollar bill, and even a candy wrapper. The largest pocket the follows the small one holds my text books, notebooks, and lap top along with all of the papers I have shoved in carelessly over time. Like the copy of the agendas; they are helpful while that specific week is happening, but then the paper lies crumpled in the bottom of the backpack until someone finally cares enough to go look for it. The second biggest pocket really isn't that special, it just has a few papers and nothing really out of the ordinary. Lastly, the small pocket directly on the front of the plaid-ish black, blue, and white backpack, is full of small silver oval beads. (Exactly fifteen of them) These were from a bracelet I made with my aunt when I was younger, now the sides of the beads are scuffed up from being tossed around for years.
The bracelet itself broke awhile a ago on some overnight, but for some reason I keeps the beads. I don't really know why actually. I guess if I'm having a bad day I can just pull out a bead and escape to the memories.
The bracelet itself broke awhile a ago on some overnight, but for some reason I keeps the beads. I don't really know why actually. I guess if I'm having a bad day I can just pull out a bead and escape to the memories.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Passover is coming up which is my favorite Jewish holiday. The past couple of years our family would get together with a couple others and celebrate it that way, but when I was younger we would go to my grandparent's house. My Grandpa passed away last summer and they sold the house, so we wont be able to have the same celebration or have it with family. But I do remember the times we did get to go over there, and they were really fun. I remember that one long table was stretched across the deck in the humid backyard which at night was packed with people.
I didn't know most of them besides my family, but I was only around five years-old. It seemed like hours until we got to eat, which it probably was considering the list of things we had to do before. Such as the Seder which means "order" so we had to wash our hands, discuss the items on the plate, and re-tell the story of Passover. The food was delicious, especially with my grandma's classic and my favorite brisket. Everyone quietly eats and talks while Maddy sneaks under the table stealing everyone's napkins. She is a Black Lab and she is old now, but she was young then. Someone would go to wipe their mouth, and their napkin wouldn't be there.
My family was talking about stuff I didn't understand at the time, so I just sat there quietly eating my dinner, but I would look at the rest of the backyard. Four sculptures stood in the middle of the backyard and some of them were taller than me. I liked stacking some of the rocks on top of them and pretend it was part of the sculpture. To the right of that in the trees and bushes was an old canon. I didn't know if it was real or not but when I was younger I like to imagine the battles it was in and actual cannonballs firing out.
After dinner, my grandpa would pull out the clues to find the Afikomen. The Afikomen was a piece of Matza (thin un-levend bread) that was set aside and hidden for kids to find. It could be anywhere on the property. My grandpa was a poet, so each year the clues to the Afikomen would rhyme and be riddle-like. I don't remember the words, but we were split up into teams of two and set out. I was paired with Benjamin who is one of my older cousins, and we made a plan to split up to look for it. He went by the bottom deck that was by the basement door, and I headed over to the sculptures. My hand stroked the bright and glossy ceramic, not finding a trace of Matza. I quickly walked over to Benjamin, but before I could my eyes caught a quick glimpse of blue fabric in the canon. I grabbed the neatly folded fabric to open to a flat cracker. My heart skipped a beat as I ran up to Benjamin and screamed "I found it! I found it!" We each received one dollar and two gold pieces of gelt. I couldn't wait until next year, and I didn't know I should treasure it while I had it.
I didn't know most of them besides my family, but I was only around five years-old. It seemed like hours until we got to eat, which it probably was considering the list of things we had to do before. Such as the Seder which means "order" so we had to wash our hands, discuss the items on the plate, and re-tell the story of Passover. The food was delicious, especially with my grandma's classic and my favorite brisket. Everyone quietly eats and talks while Maddy sneaks under the table stealing everyone's napkins. She is a Black Lab and she is old now, but she was young then. Someone would go to wipe their mouth, and their napkin wouldn't be there.
My family was talking about stuff I didn't understand at the time, so I just sat there quietly eating my dinner, but I would look at the rest of the backyard. Four sculptures stood in the middle of the backyard and some of them were taller than me. I liked stacking some of the rocks on top of them and pretend it was part of the sculpture. To the right of that in the trees and bushes was an old canon. I didn't know if it was real or not but when I was younger I like to imagine the battles it was in and actual cannonballs firing out.
After dinner, my grandpa would pull out the clues to find the Afikomen. The Afikomen was a piece of Matza (thin un-levend bread) that was set aside and hidden for kids to find. It could be anywhere on the property. My grandpa was a poet, so each year the clues to the Afikomen would rhyme and be riddle-like. I don't remember the words, but we were split up into teams of two and set out. I was paired with Benjamin who is one of my older cousins, and we made a plan to split up to look for it. He went by the bottom deck that was by the basement door, and I headed over to the sculptures. My hand stroked the bright and glossy ceramic, not finding a trace of Matza. I quickly walked over to Benjamin, but before I could my eyes caught a quick glimpse of blue fabric in the canon. I grabbed the neatly folded fabric to open to a flat cracker. My heart skipped a beat as I ran up to Benjamin and screamed "I found it! I found it!" We each received one dollar and two gold pieces of gelt. I couldn't wait until next year, and I didn't know I should treasure it while I had it.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Every morning I some how manage to be half awake ten minutes before my alarm goes off. I don't really know how, I wake up at different times during the week to go to school so I don't really know how my brain just does that. (You could say it subconsciously does that while I'm unconscious-Rachel, Sarah and Andrew) Though some days I have to wake up early for Spanish, my routine stays the same. I start out warm and cozy in my bed trying to go to sleep for ten more minutes, but then eventually I hear Don't Stop Believin' blasting from my phone as the alarm I set. After about twenty seconds I finally talk myself into dragging myself out of bed, normally with the argument "hey at least you get waffles" and that does the trick.
After eating breakfast alone at the huge dining room table (my family wakes up later than me so we eat at different times) I grab the tiny evil tube of toothpaste and put some on my toothbrush while slightly irritated. I am fine with any other type of of toothpaste; Colgate, Aim, anything but SparkleFresh. I squirt a small green blob of it and shove the brush in my mouth and just get it over with. It tastes worse than mint, it has the sort of chemical-ish bite to it. The kind that is ok when you are actually brushing your teeth but when you spit it out, the true flavor comes out and lingers for the next hour. Your breath smells fine, but you have that awful taste...
Anyway, next I grab my laptop and try to carefully shove it into my bag. The words "carefully" and "shove" obviously don't go together, so I end up dumping the contents and re-packing my whole bag. Yes, every morning. Yet again I have over estimated the time it takes to get ready, so I sit on the couch reading for another half of an hour until the rest of my family is finally ready and were off to start the day, and then come home and do it all again tomorrow.
After eating breakfast alone at the huge dining room table (my family wakes up later than me so we eat at different times) I grab the tiny evil tube of toothpaste and put some on my toothbrush while slightly irritated. I am fine with any other type of of toothpaste; Colgate, Aim, anything but SparkleFresh. I squirt a small green blob of it and shove the brush in my mouth and just get it over with. It tastes worse than mint, it has the sort of chemical-ish bite to it. The kind that is ok when you are actually brushing your teeth but when you spit it out, the true flavor comes out and lingers for the next hour. Your breath smells fine, but you have that awful taste...
Anyway, next I grab my laptop and try to carefully shove it into my bag. The words "carefully" and "shove" obviously don't go together, so I end up dumping the contents and re-packing my whole bag. Yes, every morning. Yet again I have over estimated the time it takes to get ready, so I sit on the couch reading for another half of an hour until the rest of my family is finally ready and were off to start the day, and then come home and do it all again tomorrow.
Monday, March 2, 2015
SOL 3 Dream Thieves
This is the sequel book to The Raven Boys, and so far I'm loving it! It is a two week book, so I'm only about half way through right now. Basically they are still on the hunt to find Glendower, but new secrets are reveled and old ones are hidden. A new competition has stepped up, and his name is Mr. Gray. He is definitely not afraid to stop anyone in his way, and first it was Declan and now its Noah, Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Blue. I think the author is still writing this series, so I do not know how many books there are in this series. I highly recommend this book and the previous one to everyone, because they rock. For all of you who actually bothered to read this, thanks and I'll update you next week!
Next in this series
Secret life of bees
I am number 4
Next in this series
Secret life of bees
I am number 4
Sunday, March 1, 2015

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