Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Boys of Blur

(By N.D. Wilson) This is a really good book! The main character Charlie moves to a small town in Florida, which produces sugar cane. The fastest runners are there because they can out run the fire and the smoke of the sugar cane being harvested, along with chasing rabbits to make money. Of course there is the sugar cane with the flames and the smoke, and the three dollars they can make on a rabbit, but there is so much more than that in this town. Secrets in the fields that have been kept since the original tribes lived there, and Charlie hunts the secrets as the secrets have hunted people from early tribe, to locals in Florida now. My favorite character? The swamp! The way the swamp is described and talked about in the book, it seems like a character. Alive almost. I can imagine the stalks of the sugar canes swaying in the wind, and crumbling in the harvest. I really loved this book, and I would recommend it to everyone in our class who would want to read it!

If I Stay
The Secret Life of Bees
Out of the Easy


  1. That sounds good, like my type of book! Loved your link:)

  2. Awesome! I tend to like books with a little more science but I'll think about it!

  3. That book sounds pretty cool. I generally don't like mysteries, but this one sounds really cool.

  4. That sounds cool. I might read it.
