"Today we will be docking in Petropavlosk, Russia. Please get in line for customs." said the woman at the front desk. I wondered what we would be doing there, maybe staying at the beach? On a driving tour? No, visiting a replica of a traditional village from a different time period. Trudging through the thick layers of grass, I felt cold. Not like sitting outside on the patio for lunch, but truly cold. There were these shack structures that sat at about twelve feet in the air, and had a carved log for a ladder. Yes this was all wonderful and nice, but when do we eat? Our group finally made our way into a teepee, which was warm from the fire burning in the center. The woman kneeling at the fire was cooking something similar to bread, and it was warm! Food and warmth, very good. I sat on the log stump eating the bread, just enjoying it. At some point someone tried to talk to me but I was too focused on the food and warmth to pay attention. A little while later we walked into another building that had three tables set with plates and silver wear. I couldn't believe it, more food?! Today was a very, very good day. I sat down as someone brought over a bowl of soup. She said it was something that the people here would have eaten at that time, but food was food. As the bowl was lowered, I saw two potatoes and a chunk of salmon. Not a strip, but a whole chunk of the body was sliced and put in a bowl of water. For the first time that day, I was not hungry.

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