Why did I have to wear Uggs today? The one day of winter/spring they are not useful I decide to wear them. The hike up "Castle rock" (not really castle rock but another one that looks like it) was easy at first, and then it got steeper. Every now and then I would look back and the busses would look a lot smaller. It didn't seem that we walked that far, but from the bottom looking up, it was a long way. The trail didn't take that long but when we were at the end, I didn't know how much my shoes could take. Most of my steps were shaky and my feet felt like they were going to slip out from under me. Uggs have no traction and are definitely not ideal for hiking up a small mountain.
The wind blew really hard at the top, and it made it really hard to eat my yogurt. As people were finishing up lunch, others got up to play sardines and camouflage. "...29, 30. Ready or not here we come!" We were playing in a dessert like area so there weren't many hiding places. All of us ran at once, and who ever go to the person last lost. I needed to reach the other side and beat the last person, and I willed every step to be flat and stable. Small rocks were in the path which were awful for shoes without traction. I see her behind the bush and, second! I am safe and my shoes are fine.
The last part of the hike was about 20 cement steps up to the top of the plateau, and then we would get a great view. All around me there were mountains, and large objects that were small from where I was. We weren't supposed to get too close for safety reasons, but we were allowed to lay down at the very edge if we wanted to. I chose the farthest corner that over looks a big street and a river. It was really peaceful at first, and then three more people sat down next to me. I didn't mind, I just sat there and watched the cars pass by. Of course when you are up high you have to spit over the edge, and watch it fall. It is just something you have to do. I carefully lean over and spit, and watch it hit a rock at the bottom. Abby saw this and wanted to do it too. She leaned over ready to spit. I was about to tell her to wait until after the wind stopped, but it was too late. She spat and the wind blew it right into my face. We both laughed as I took my hand and wiped what ever I could onto her sleeve and heard her squeal as she backed away. Day trips were fun, and this one wasn't even over.
Jeez, you really remembered a lot about our field trip didn't you? You also did a good job summing (almost) everything up.