Flowers for Algernon
This book is about a man named Charlie Gordon. He is mentally challenged, and has an IQ of 70. He is very nice and caring, and he agrees to participate in a surgery to boost his intelligence. As his intelligence increases, his emotional levels stay the same. Because Charlie had the surgery, he is being compared, and one might say he is "mirror image" to Algernon. (The most successful "lab rat" for this surgery.) As he is growing, he mentally surpasses his friends, the scientists, and people who he met at the college campus.
So far, this has been a great book. I really like how the story is being told through his progress reports, not as third person or first person. It is told through third person, but through a different perspective. There has been a lot of symbolism in this book, and it is really important. An example would be Algernon.Charlie and Algernon both had the same surgery so there for what ever happens to Algernon, happens to Charlie. I would highly recommend this book to anyone in AS who has not already read it.
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